Gladys Díaz Vázquez

Credentials: Postdoc


University of Wisconsin-Madison, Biophysics
University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, Physics

Lab publications:

  1. Díaz Vázquez G, Cui Q, Senes A “Thermodynamic analysis of the GASright transmembrane motif supports energetic model of dimerization”
    Biophysical J. 2022 in press
  2. Craven SJ, Condon SGF, Díaz Vázquez G, Cui Q, Senes A “The coiled-coil domain of Escherichia coli FtsLB is a structurally detuned element critical for modulating its activation in bacterial cell division ” J. Biol. Chem.2022 298 101460
  3. Condon SGF*, Mahbuba DA*, Armstrong CR, Diaz-Vazquez G, Craven SJ, LaPointe LM, Khadria AS, Chadda R, Crooks JA, Rangarajan N, Weibel DB, Hoskins AA, Robertson JL, Cui Q, Senes A “The FtsLB sub-complex of the bacterial divisome is a tetramer with an uninterrupted FtsL helix linking the transmembrane and periplasmic regions” J. Biol. Chem. 2018 293, 1623-41 (*authors contributed equally)