Graduate students
Samantha Anderson (Sam)
Program: PhD program in Biochemistry (CIBM trainee)
Period: January 2015 – now
Project: Structural prediction of transmembrane oligomeric complexes
Senes lab publications:
- Anderson SM*, Mueller BK*, Lange EJ and Senes A “Combination of Cα-H hydrogen bonds and van der Waals packing modulates the stability of GxxxG-mediated dimers in membranes” J Am Chem Soc. 2017 139, 15774-83 (*authors contributed equally) [PDF]
- Niemann MCE, Weber H, Hluska T, Leonte G, Anderson SM, Novak O, Senes A, and Werner T. “The cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase CKX1 is a membrane-bound protein requiring homooligomerization in the endoplasmic reticulum for its cellular activity” Plant Phys. 2018 176, 2024-39 [PDF]
Samson Condon (Sam)
Program: PhD program in Biochemistry (former CIBM trainee)
Period: January 2014 – now
Project: Structural prediction of transmembrane oligomeric complexes
Senes lab publications:
- Zhang Z, Subramaniam S, Kale J, Liao C, Huang B, Brahmbhatt H, Condon SGF, Lapolla SM, Hays, FA, Ding Ja, He F, Zhang XC, Li J, Senes A, Andrews DW, Lin J “BH3-in-groove dimerization initiates and helix 9 dimerization expands Bax pore assembly in membranes”, EMBO J 2016 35, 208-36 PDF
- Guo X, Niemi NM, Hutchins PD, Condon SGF, Jochem A, Ulbrich A, Higbee AJ, Russell JD, Senes A, Coon JJ, and Pagliarini DJ “Ptc7p dephosphorylates select mitochondrial proteins to enhance metabolic function” Cell Reports 2017 18, 307-13
- Condon SGF*, Mahbuba DA*, Armstrong CR, Diaz-Vazquez G, Craven SJ, LaPointe LM, Khadria AS, Chadda R, Crooks JA, Rangarajan N, Weibel DB, Hoskins AA, Robertson JL, Cui Q, Senes A “The FtsLB sub-complex of the bacterial divisome is a tetramer with an uninterrupted FtsL helix linking the transmembrane and periplasmic regions” J. Biol. Chem. 2018 293, 1623-41 (*authors contributed equally)
- Kaur H, Jamalidinan F, Condon SGF, Senes A, Hoskins AA “Analysis of spliceosome dynamics by maximum likelihood fitting of dwell time distributions” Methods 2019 153, 13-21